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I am deploying ionic on ubuntu machine, i found an error with gulp
$ gulp saas
$ gulp saas
[12:06:36] Using gulpfile ~/myApp/gulpfile.js
[12:06:36] Task 'saas' is not in your gulpfile
[12:06:36] Please check the documentation for proper gulpfile formatting
yea this is with deploying to ios, like I said, Android is fine and still is working.
→ junmin has joined
it's either a problem with ionic, ios or cordova, but if anyone else serious is making interesting apps they know exactly what I'm talking about.
it's super aggravating.
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satinder. in your gulpfile, you need some lines that look somewhat like this:
gulp.task('saas', function() {
that's assuming you want to run a 'saas' task. (you maybe meant 'sass')
otherwise, just type 'gulp' as your command, and the 'default' task should run
joeco: yes it is there
gulp.task('default', ['sass']);
gulp.task('sass', function(done) {
that is not defining a new task. It is saying whatever is in the brackets is a dependency of 'default'
it is already present there
it means anything in the brackets has to resolve before 'default' is run.
so if you don't want sass, just erase it from the brackets
or else make a new .task() with 'sass' as the main name / definition
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oh I see, you have one there
maybe it needs to be listed above the 'default'? just a guess
ok i am trying that way
are you sure the 'sass' task has something like this as the last line: .on('end', done);
→ ilmgb has joined
you have to call the 'done' so that it knows to start the next task
gulp.task('sass', function(done) {
errLogToConsole: true
keepSpecialComments: 0
.pipe(rename({ extname: '.min.css' }))
.on('end', done);
but still not working
→ qwebirc95493 has joined
well I don't know. but one other thing you can try, a really handy and simple/straightforward plugin is run-sequence on npm
i use it. you may restructure your order of gulp tasks, the sequence they run in.
maybe going threough that exercise will reveal why the 'sass' task is messed up.
okay, i will try that ,,,
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satinder, I think I know the real solution
can you check your ionic.project file?
under gulpstartuptasks: [] ... you have a misspelling.
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joeco: Which file
it should be in the root of your project
it is the startup file that is called when you do "ionic run android" or whichever
from there it calls gulpfile.js
yes it is there
"name": "myApp",
"app_id": "",
"gulpStartupTasks": [
"watchPatterns": [
this is the content of ionic.project file
→ mickhansen has joined
hmm.. that's strange. the "sass" matches the "sass" in your gulpfile
so I don't know why it said: Task 'saas' is not in your gulpfile
how about in your "watch" task, back in the gulpfile?
does it depend on "saas"?
no i don't think so
aasp@1313:~/myApp$ gulp watch
[12:33:25] Using gulpfile ~/myApp/gulpfile.js
[12:33:25] Starting 'watch'...
[12:33:25] Finished 'watch' after 11 ms
→ dan2k3k4 has joined
Actually i am not using the default sass files of the ionic project
wait, your original command you typed was "gulp saas"
that's why
what if you type "gulp sass"
yes it works!
ha. took the long way to get there :)
→ marthinal has joined
yes, thanks joeco
sure, n/p
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